머리 식힐 겸 풀만한 영어 자작문제
게시글 주소: https://9.orbi.kr/00067744634
Riding a bike requires you to simultaneously perform two skills, pedaling for locomotion and balancing for staying upright. The traditional approach to learning how to ride a bike is to start with riding a four-wheeled vehicle, a bike with training wheels, so that you can concentrate on the pedaling without worrying so much about the balancing. Once pedaling is mastered, the training wheels can be removed as you work on learning how to balance.
In the early 2000s, however, a different approach to learning how to ride gained traction. In this approach, the rider starts with learning to balance first, moving on to pedaling only after balancing is mastered. Using a balance bike, which has no pedals and a low seat that allows the rider to push the bike along, balancing is the only skill required. It turns out that this is a much better method for learning to ride a bike. Maybe you learned to ride a bike this way. By (A), skill acquisition can be done faster and more reliably.
빈칸 (A) 에 들어갈 적절한 구문은?
1) reordering the learning process by removing unnecessary steps
(2) practicing the two skills simultaneously with a balance bike
(3) placing more emphasis on balance
(4) ordering the skills properly
(5) mastering how to balance with a four-wheeled vehicle
원문 출처 : https://cs51.io/handouts/on-doing-well/
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-> in this approach, the rider starts with learning to balance first, moving on to pedaling only after balancing is mastered.
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