물2 자작 (26-Long time no see, huh?)
게시글 주소: https://9.orbi.kr/00070095401
-Hey.. Can't you smell that?
-That smell... smells like...
-Oh no.. Don't tell me that he's finally back..
-Crap.. Let's run away asap-
It's been a while since I last made my own physics problems here. I posted "물2 자작 (25-Schizophrenia)" in Orbi and I quitted making them due to a lack of ideas and.. laziness.
But it doesn't mean that I won't ever make any problems! I will try to make more problems like before as long as I have enough time.
Anyway, I'm here with 4 difficult physics II problems, which all have 3 points. These are super hard, so you'd better be careful..
Well, good luck, folks.
The easiest one in 4 problems. But that doesn't mean this is easy though. I bet you've already seen that semicircle-like symbol in "2025 수능특강."
Terrifying torque problem. I got inspired by 2025 CSAT Physics II Problem #16. You need to know exactly what force is and how it works concretely.
Oh, make sure not to forget "secret forces."
The longest problem I've ever created. Don't be scared though. It's not that hard if you examine this closely.
Final Round, Fight! Use all skills you know to solve this horrifying thing! I bet it could still be hard even if you apply skills.
It could sound like I'm a Youtuber or something, but make sure to press Like button and vote below!
(Note : Inform me if there are any erorrs)
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이거 다 많이 어렵네요.. ㅜ